Localized Games - Page 2

Explore a collection of engaging localized Games on lofgames.com. Enjoy fun, interactive experiences designed for players of all ages, available to play directly in your browser. From brain-teasing puzzles to action-packed challenges, there's something for everyone!

Jolly JumbleJolly Jumble
1461 Users Played
Jingled PiecesJingled Pieces
1686 Users Played
Xmas Mahjong Trio SolitaireXmas Mahjong Trio So...
6034 Users Played
Winter TilesWinter Tiles
6599 Users Played
Lunar Phase BattleLunar Phase Battle
886 Users Played
Oddball DetectiveOddball Detective
721 Users Played
Hexa Tile TrioHexa Tile Trio
3307 Users Played
Spooky LinkSpooky Link
2178 Users Played
Halloween Store SortHalloween Store Sort
2483 Users Played
Choco BlocksChoco Blocks
3980 Users Played
Mermaids: Spot The DifferencesMermaids: Spot The D...
5982 Users Played
Pirates MahjongPirates Mahjong
2494 Users Played
Runic Block CollapseRunic Block Collapse
2953 Users Played
Sunny LinkSunny Link
5522 Users Played
Seafaring Memory  ChallengeSeafaring Memory Ch...
2797 Users Played
Chill Math MultiplicationChill Math Multiplic...
443 Users Played
Chill Math AveragingChill Math Averaging
401 Users Played
Chill Math DivisionChill Math Division
459 Users Played
Chill Math SubtractionChill Math Subtracti...
455 Users Played
1010 Elixir Alchemy1010 Elixir Alchemy
4857 Users Played